The police ARE children. Maladjusted, improperly socialized children. With guns.
The police ARE children. Maladjusted, improperly socialized children. With guns.
Of course he was.
For what it’s worth, I’ve found that many pharmacists are more up to speed on drug interactions, new medicines, and -don’t tell doctors this- are pretty decent primary care professionals. I live in an area that has a shortage of doctors, and people use the local pharmacist as much as their GPs.
I used to date a girl who was functionally deaf without her hearing aid, and she once admitted to me that she just turned the thing off around people she didn’t like.
Honestly, if I had an injury that could reasonably lead to some amnesia, I’ll consider using it as an opportunity to at least act like I no longer know certain people, even if I still did.
I remarked to my girlfriend after she heard about this story that “if I ever get that kind of brain damage from anything, please, pull the plug. I don’t want to survive that.”
To which she said “if I found out you got brain damage after a night in a whorehouse, I’d gladly pull the plug.”
While I’m pretty sure Rousey is going to win again, Holm is about as live of an underdog as you’re going to get in a Rousey matchup. Holm has a legitimate key to victory and that’s using her length to keep the distance between her and Rousey and to point-fight from a distance. As Greg said, philosophically knowing…
Ronda’s mom is the first American to win to take Gold at the World Judo Championships. I’m pretty sure Ronda would specialize in submissions and would be light years ahead of anyone regardless of when she started the sport.
You can spend your money to watch this fight live. Or you can wait an extra two minutes and watch it on YouTube.
I don’t know, I kind of like that they used the term “children.” Because that’s what they are. I feel like calling them “desirable teens” or “desirable young adults” would have made it seem like less of a problem.
So, I’m really struggling with the cognitive dissonance of knowing men around the world will take any opportunity to keep women down and the idea that I’m supposed to fall in love with one.
“Paden’s adult son, Anthony, has also been charged with sodomizing the victim. His case is currently pending.”
If my SO cheated, I don’t think I’d be able to trust her again. So I’d leave. That’s why it takes a really special person to save a relationship after they’ve been cheated on. You have to be willing to truly forgive, and you have to truly want to stay in the relationship. And staying in the relationship means…
Being open, honest and taking responsibility was the right thing to do. Sometimes doing the right thing sucks. You don’t get to control other peoples reactions or behaviour - so remind yourself you did the right thing and let them live their lives (and if they need to lie to do that, then that’s really on them). You…
My life partner and I have been polyamorous since 1967, and together since 1961. I “almost” cheated on her (I did not have sex with that woman!) in 1964, and that lead to a three year discussion of how we wanted our relationship to be. The consensus among people who have studied love, sex, and desire is that many,…
I like to say that people are complicated.
But the thing is, you’ll always be wondering if there’s some other super secret email account out there you don't know about. The author is right. Building back trust is what is important. If you feel like you have to do random spot checks or be watching for any sign of backsliding, there's no trust and you need to…
Threads like these get under my skin cause it brings out all the people that like to shame others for doing “wrong”. I’ve done A LOT of things in my life that I’m not proud of- most people have. All the “tsk tsk” finger wagging needs to stop.
Should also reflect on whether or not monogamy is something you actually want. It’s not the only way to go about relationships.
Holy shit. That got really fucking weird, really fast.