
My favorite activity like that came from way back in GTA 3. I would turn on the cheats for arming citizens and the cheat that makes everyone super aggressive. Then I would see how long I could drive around town before someone killed me.

I'm perplexed as to why Cartoon Hangover could air an entire season of Bravest Warriors without Kickstarter but not Puppycat. What's the difference? There must be some financial considerations I'm not privy to.

I disliked that most Wii games, even those where the developers clearly didn't care about motion controls, still seemed to have one damn thing that required wacky functionality. The most annoying example was Donkey Kong Country Returns, where you had to throttle the controller to roll. It was never precise and got me

Terry Crews adds flavor to almost anything. He's the only good part in several bad movies.

Is anything not better with moon gravity? Maybe a pie eating contest, but that's all I can think of.

We all know ninjas wear different colors depending on what weapon they carry and how many hits it takes for a turtle to bring them down.

Fairest is a mixed bag. I thought the Rapunzel story where she had an adventure in Japan was pretty awesome, but some of them just feel like B stories left out of Fables.

Don't you have to have been good at one point in order to jump the shark?

Yes, but how do I enslave these Poke-Men and effectively indenture them into servitude?

Oh man, I want to pitch them a sequel to Omikron that's not only a beat-em-up/FPS/Adventure Game hybrid, but also brings in RPG, racer, DDR, and turn based strategy elements!

My issue with Cage's games even though I find them absorbing is that it always feels like the work of a Frenchman out of his depth talking about American culture. His stories are always about Americans, with a lot of the tropes of American blockbusters. It's so weird to see a French developer so willing to affect

Movies in Blu Ray are damn beautiful, and I've repurchased several movies for that sweet fidelity, but I know a surprising number of people who just don't care and would rather just see it streaming somewhere.

Kids latch on to stupid crap all the time. I like when things have to be banned out of sheer annoyance, like back in the day when my middle school banned pogs. I was okay with that one.

11 years would be a long time to wait.

Now Microsoft will have to study history's greatest boners to stop him.

How do you adequately stress test the online component of one of the most popular games ever made? Seems daunting to me.

Seems like an apples to oranges comparison. Isn't Miyamoto chiefly a game designer? Why compare him to company that doesn't even make games or game-specific hardware. There's certainly a lot of times where smart phones are stealing Nintendo sales, but it feels like that could have been articulated better.

Your typo will live on in infamy in my quote marks.

I think the AVGN videos are often really interesting (I'd never seen a Magnavox Odyssey in action) but I just don't find the guy funny. Usually I just fast forward when it goes into straight up skits.

How strange. This is a competitive online multiplayer shooter with ducks. DuckTales' ducks. Looks a bit play-to-win, but the action isn't too shabby.