
>I will buy their product several different times, use it, and return it each and every time to make it cost them money.

but he didn’t squat 300. he barely went halfway.

i dunno. usually if you have to say something like this, it’s not gonna happen. if someone was really going to do it, they’d just drop the bomb. seems like there’s always some “X is gonna happen” then never does. I’ll believe it when I see it.

he’s remained visible. also being funny and charismatic helps.

Isn’t the horrific crime linking to someone with an airtight alibi the same way The Dark Half opens?

weird how Republicans are scared of Trans women harrassing people in the bathrooms, but finally a video involving a trans woman and harassment surfaces and of course it’s the bigoted Republican doing the harassing

But there can be turmoil of the soul without abusing women

how can you make a list like this and not give the time stamps of the laughs?

no, it just tastes like one

i fucking love the Orange Chicken

you’re aware you can drink Bud Light without yelling their commercial tagline at people, right?

there is no ethical consumption under capitalism

really confused as to who the audience for this show is. honestly - who cares? I watched some episodes and liked it OK - 20+ years ago. But now? nah I’ve moved on to other shit. I really don’t understand who the people are that are clammoring for this type of shit: old sitcoms rebooted, new will and grace, etc. I just

i’m OK with private companies silencing nazis

My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy

do ANY eczema creams work? I’ve gone my whole damn life looking for something that works, nothing has any effect, I’ve more or less given up.

Why has no one ever used the “ship at light speed suicide mission” before? Seems like it should be a problem as old as light speed technology.

I’m nervous for them just watching it, and I don’t even care

man what the fuck

Ridiculous to say Eli isn’t a Hall of Famer. I’m not even a Giants fan but the dude is a lock.