"Whoa, that's Marshawn Lynch"
"Whoa, that's Marshawn Lynch"
And Satan himself, his lips purse, leaning back in his throne of lies. Casually stroking his finely groomed beard, he raises an eyebrow at the statement, then sighs. "Omegaverse? What, no? Some may call me evil, but I have my limits. While it's a little know fact that I get most of my ideas from the internet,…
Fantastic. As a lady, the peek-a-boo suspenders just made my costume even more salacious!
Calling it now, Ball Pit is *the* costume for Halloween 2014.
Leads to perfect pick-up line:
"Sorry, don't have enough money to buy you a drink. As compensation, I wish to offer you an extra hour in the Ball Pit."
That's too bad for them. Thanks, I will update!
To protest the threat of being kicked out, people were reportedly singing "Do You Hear the People Sing" from Les Miserables and holding up the three-fingered salute from The Hunger Games.
Ok, I am missing something! Why is Mark Ruffalo a good person to tweet when you need $17,000?
I am a professor. I shall use this as my response to every grade dispute from hence forth.
And even the bowels of Hell are questionable. I still pride myself on never having seen 2 Girls 1 Cup, nor any of that rosebudding weirdness. NOPE.
"Tweet Mark Ruffalo!" is going to be my go-to response for every single problem I ever encounter from now on.
Would you settle for Mark Ruffalo?
Ohhh, I need to correct that! That price was for a weekend badge. Sorry!
IT IS NOT. NOT AT ALL. Not safe for work, home, car, airport or anywhere except the bowels of hell.
I go to conventions all the time, mostly organized by either Wizard World or Creation Entertainment. A 3-day pass to the Supernatural convention is $109. Where do these people get off charging $80 for something nobody has ever heard of? (Don't get me started on the rest because I'm just... no.)
Only if Captain Picard is in there with me.
Sounds like someone could use an hour in the Ball Pit.
Why the fuck do I care about anything that happens on Tumblr