
Or how bout don't marry a man who will cheat on you. And if he does, divorce the husband.

Please do this @C.A. Pinkham! As a hotel worker with a few doozies I'd love to read other hotel stories!

Oh this I might actually have a good one!

I just had an incident similar to this.

Oh I’ve got a good one for this. Senior year of high school back in 2010. My best friend, Aja (cool name; not a cool chick) and I had planned for at least a year to go to homecoming together as besties. Trouble was, freshman year of high school she had moved from a neighboring town in MD to middle of nowhere VA and

See Id be for it; except the high end staff where I work tend to not be in favor of it. Even being paid $15 an hour wouldn't make up for the amazing cash they make every year. Like it's ridiculous the amount of money they make compared to me. Try $60,000 compared to my measles $36,000! From tips! Wow! So nope they

actually that's like tattoo parlors; you aren't 'supposed' to tip the owner of the parlor if they aren't the only artist there. They reap the profits of the business themselves. But I always throw a little the way of the artist etc

Ooooh ok so let's see what I can share that WONT get me in trouble with my job.

Just because we are feminists, doesn't mean EVERY main character of every TV series needs to be a woman. Just like not every tv show needs to have a dog, or a cat, or sex.

I am one of the majority opinion that a female doctor WOULD ruin the show. There are plenty of strong female characters on Doctor Who and a female doctor is NOT needed.