You really don’t know what you’re talking about, but rather than start some sort of internet battle, let me try to help educate you on this particular topic:
You really don’t know what you’re talking about, but rather than start some sort of internet battle, let me try to help educate you on this particular topic:
I would totally eat a bowl of Cookie Crisp out of that trophy.
The John H. Schnatter Center for Free Enterprise at the Louisville College of Business.
I think I’m sourcing this correctly
Oh snap, did they unfollow him on Twitter too?!
As someone currently delayed in California trying to get back to NYC, I will take the barf if I can sleep at home tonight
I can’t get past the texture, either. It’s just...not right.
Halo Top is fucking garbage. It’s got an awful, chalky texture, and it’s full of sugar alcohols, which DESTROY my gut. I’d rather have a bite of real ice cream or nothing at all.
Treat yourself to Edy’s Churned varieties rather than this stuff - it tastes of chemicals and has a very un-ice cream like mouth feel.
If you want a low-cal sweet treat that tastes more like ice cream and doesn’t have weird non-food ingredients, YASSO! Specifically salted caramel. It’s made from Greek yogurt so you get your probiotics too. It’s seriously actually good.
the only video we’ve seen of him actually driving shows him behind the wheel of a Rolls Royce, which is built by German company BMW.
I agree, this imbalance needs to stop. We need cars designed and built in America, like the Ford Focus, Buick Cascada or the Chevrolet SS.
This looks fake as hell. Fake news! FAKE DINNER! It’s obviously some kind of catered stuff, right down to the plates and plastic wear. And where TF is the beer? Zuck’s got some nerve foisting his quinoa encrusted chicken breast and organic baby field greens on this crowd. I hope their dog bit him.
Why is there a lei in the chandelier?
Hello! As a former Hill person, two things:
Pretty wild that Stormfront can’t find a single fucking grammar nazi.
You always have spot on analysis. +1.
Dude is 61, wait till Trump keeps raising the Social Security age benefits. Soon it will be 69.
Yeah I don’t know. I feel like we’re getting into Grapes of Wrath territory when it comes to laid off manufacturing and agriculture jobs. These folks have been undercut or automated out of the workforce—education is one way back in but only for those young and wealthy enough to obtain it. I’ve never considered GMI…