
Meh. You spend half an hour following a guide and you’re good to go for a couple hundred hours. It took the community 4 days to iron out all the kinks and it’s been just about perfect ever since.

Just run it on Cemu. It’s a much better experience. I never finished on Switch, but I’m having a great time replaying it with all the bells and whistles. I can live with the jank, it’s part of the sandbox.

The games physics are tied to the 30 fps it was supposed to run at. Modders have had a hell of a time getting arrows to work properly on high framerates. It’s been ironed out with patches, mostly, but there’s still some jank with ragdoll physics and stuff flying all over the place when you play at 60fps or beyond.

God forbid we ever get a Bloodborne patch. For the PS4Pro. 

Right? The ACTUAL FILES! Somebody was quite delusional over there at the vatican. Even more delusional than the rest of them, I guess.

It’s another store mannequin, probably.

But the deck supports put down and resume at will.

Attention-whores. Attention-whores as far as the eye can see.

He must be pretty deep in this scam to do this. Good riddance I’d say. At first I thought satan himself (Kotick), but this’ll do for now.

What does the x stand for?

You’ve not seen this unit of a man build a PC unit?

Back to building PC’s on OnlyFans.

And I can’t wait to watch it on my phone!

I doubt it. My work/gaming PC, the one I actually live behind, started out with 16GB. Having all my browser tabs open, Teams, Discord, Outlook and a whole bunch of tools, it just wasn’t enough. I moved to 32GB and I won’t be looking back. 

And now it’s entirely PLEX-ing by me. In 4K no less. Avast, matey!

I don’t mind Flanagan dropping Midnight Club. It wasn’t all that good. The individual club stories weren’t all that interesting and the overarching cult stuff downright sucked. Granted, the subject of death and preparing for the end was handled superbly by the cast and their dialogue. But I feel Midnight Mass did a

cervaux! CERVAUX!

He’s doing it wrong. You gotta bash in the brains or that horse is gonna come back. 

It’s probably even harder when your pitch was entirely based on this one visual you imagined. Style over substance, let’s call it.

And for Candy Crush, of all things. You know, that insidious money-milking thing that preys (mostly) on children and hunts for whales. It’s nasty.