
Same here. Happy birthday, fellow old man occasionally yelling at clouds online.

Happy Bday

1. Happy Bday!

Is it still considered piracy if you already pre-ordered the game and just want to play it sooner on superior hardware? If so, I’m not sure “piracy” really holds any meaning here.

Not only that, but an unstable 30fps. I just find it a bizarre choice to make myself, but that won’t stop fans from enjoying it, which is fine in and of itself. I myself, just want them to step up their actual back-end development of their titles. Other series’ games’ have done it, Zelda can too.

I played and enjoyed

I always found japanese developpers a bit weird for using outdated 3D engine concepts like “locked at X FPS”. This is way behind the times now that extremely scalable engines exists nowadays.

Lukewarm take: the show was neither particularly good nor particularly bad.

This is literally the first time I’ve seen it.  

That mother fucker. Literally.

I mean, sure, it was inevitable and we all know how expensive these games are to develop

She was seven. Kids generally stop believing in Santa a year or so past that. And don’t get me started on full-grown adults who pretend Jesus is real.

Here is a little story - a true one.

Ubisoft sells ability to have to play less of their game because they know the grind will be too much for some people. Of course they’re lying about not designing it like that.

a tale of isolation

Hes phenomenally talented but I’m gonna say it:

There is less reason for a church to be open. God is (supposedly) everywhere and you can pray anywhere but I don’t have an IMAX screen in my home.

Sure, bring back Geordi AFTER they get rid of Data. Makes sense to have the person who was his closest friend in TNG not be there for that. I guess it wasn’t as cool an idea as a 80 year old having an almost sexual love for him out of nowhere.

Yes, but my ass is naturally very hairy.

Throughout Disco and Picard’s seasons, I’ve talked about how my problem with the shows is that they creators don’t seem to either understand or buy into the philosophy of Trek. It’s not about the choices that an individual character makes, but how those choices are treated and how the background morality of the