
It all depends on your connection, but it’s passable. Of course, once you’re going into “mobile hotspot” territory, it becomes a little wonky. But it’s great to just be able to boot up a game real quick to see if you like it. And for the more “casual” games it’s absolutely perfect.

I’ve been running Microsoft Edge on mine (for GamePass streaming) and it’s getting updated on the reg.

Let’s let Digital Foundry decide, yeah?

The game mode was “having fun with a Battlefield game”.

The weapons that are upgraded with the sombre stones can’t be greased. They also have their own weapon art that can’t be swapped.

I always have the “don’t loose runes on death” tear in my physic flask. Always. It also keeps your previous bloodstain around if you die before you reach it again. So it’s even okay if you forget it the first time you try and platform your way to some useless bit of guff guarded by a white wolf on a hard to reach

Same goes for religion by the way.

Thanks internet! That’s all it is, you know. Two people finding each other with the same idea, that’s validation right there. 

Say lession one more time motherfucker!

I’m helping. But I want something in return! So while you’re going through hell, I can relax and not think about it.

Fluctuations from 30 to 60 for quality and 40 to 60 for performance isn’t good. It helps if you have an xbox and a display device capable of VRR to make it look smoother, but playing the PS4 version on the PS5 to get a solid 60 is not a good look.

It’s Capcom. They’ve learned their lesson from the Lady Demitrescu eh... incident.

Neither are men though. They are the embodiment of corporations. Ruthless capitalistic greed personified.

My god. The SAME people? Can’t they get new people to throw original hissy fits?

I’d pay double that for a decent version of Bloodborne. 

And here I thought folks didn’t like the over-the-top COD’ifying of Battlefield. But the players actually want zombies and one-liners.

Talk about getting invaded.

What an absolute cunt, that man. But hey, you gotta be to get ultra-rich.

If it were only Shittysoft, that would be ok. Just ignore them. But they are also Rapeysoft. Defenders of known sexual predators.

Oh no. We’ve identified our “Get off my lawn” moment. I’m 45 and I know exactly what you mean. I’ve worked in IT my whole life, had a computer since I was 5 years old. I thought there wouldn’t come a moment when the world passed me by because I was on top of things.