
Where’s Ricky Gervais when you need him

Videocards at MSRP.

Nintendo should just get ahead of this and start going multi-platform like Microsoft (and to some extent Sony) are. I’d happily plonk down cash for this game for not having to “dust off” my switch. I don’t play games “on the go” so emulating the games on my nice Oled tv with my PC is actually more convenient and

And all the while they’re getting paid for doing it with your tax money, whether you buy from them or not. So what’s a boycot going to do?

No no... GRRM has been working on the Elden Ring 2 for years by now!

So Konami stopped making video games and turned to just regular gambling gambling.

Or, you  know, play games for fun!

You’re an all-star!

So preying on fools is ok then? Good to know.

Richest motherfuckers in the world milking users for over 3 console generations with the same lousy games coulnd’t spend a little bit of that whaling-dough to fix it themselves. Disgusting.

Or, you know, let’s NOT pre-order games.

Or, you know, let’s NOT pre-order games.

The random word title generator is phoning it in these days.

Oh wow, that’s disgusting. We’re calling a patch a remaster now? Folks are so easily fooled. And in the mean time we get Nioh 2 on PC and it’s a crappy port with horrible framerate problems. Thanks Tecmo.

Who said anything about remasters? It’s just a patch unlocking the extra framerate options in Nioh 2, nothing more, nothing less. If you want it, go and buy the PS4 versions. We’re just talking back-compat here.

Sure. Keep investors happy, that’s what it’s all about. Gaming is a bigger industry than movies and music combined. That means there’s way way way more players, so the development budget grows right along with that. The extra gravy is just that, extra gravy. Born out of unbridled greed. Late stage capitalism and all

Sorry man, we’ll never see eye to eye on this.

I know it’s working for them because they still exist, merily raping and crunching their workforce. It’s Ubisoft we’re talking about here.

Let’s hope THAT’s not the Tetris Effect. I could be in trouble.

So? If your finances can’t handle the paltry $15, you’ve got bigger problems. It’s universally praised. There’s a reason for that. Its next to free for an immense amount of game time and it won’t ask you to pay up to get through it faster, like some other game on this list. You know the one. The one from the

After Microsoft buying Bethesda, I’m pretty sure at least Skyrim is here to stay for “free”. It would be amazing if most of us haven’t already bought the damn thing two or three times already.