
I know it’s working for them because they still exist, merily raping and crunching their workforce. It’s Ubisoft we’re talking about here.

Was the big reveal “it was all a fever dream” and we can get back to actual Star Trek? 

Let’s hope THAT’s not the Tetris Effect. I could be in trouble.

So? If your finances can’t handle the paltry $15, you’ve got bigger problems. It’s universally praised. There’s a reason for that. Its next to free for an immense amount of game time and it won’t ask you to pay up to get through it faster, like some other game on this list. You know the one. The one from the

After Microsoft buying Bethesda, I’m pretty sure at least Skyrim is here to stay for “free”. It would be amazing if most of us haven’t already bought the damn thing two or three times already.

No HBO Max here in Belgium. We do, however, have access to the ‘bay and the usenet. So no biggy.

I’ll give you a hint: all megachurch people are really fucking stupid.

if ALL Ubisoft wanted was for everybody to enjoy their content, they could just implement an option in the settings that does exactly that! Yet they SELL it to people who get frustrated by the shit they themselves designed that way.

My Konami code was always free. That you have to pay for external software, sure. There’s dev time in that. Changing one value in your own game doesn’t cost you a dime. And certainly not 1/7th of the entire price of said game, payable by all your users. There’s zero excuses for this, its pure evil money grubbing and

So why do folks need to pay to play a game less. Fuck right off with that. This is a cheat code. It could just as well be free. It used to be. 

So what? You might need to upgrade the ps4 or xbox one s you might have bought as late as earlier this year because a dev lied to you by saying the game would launch on it in a playable state? Come on man. I’m all for progress but CDPR clearly dropped the ball with this one. Shoul’ve been a launch game on the new

...Fear the Walking Dead and World Beyond have entered the chat

That 2160p rip on release day is sure gonna look a lot better than that crappy cam version. Long live streaming releases. And you know what, as long as we don’t have HBO Max here in Belgium, I won’t feel bad about downloading me a copy come december 26th.

Attentionwhores. Attentionwhores everywhere.

Too bad the toxic workplace and sexual harassment isn’t 100% ignorable, let alone 100% cosmetic. They can pretend it is, of course.

I wonder if I’ll get my *free* Destiny 2 [b]with expansions[/b] back which they locked me out of after I dropped the subscription.

The David Carradine of the seas!

I only need one reason. I’ve got a PC and I’m upgrading from 1080 to 3080 soon.

Killer Clits!

Isn’t that the plot of Under the Dome?