
Yeah, that hurt. A lot. It was on the decline anyway. Did he cause that though. Who can tell.

I’m just glad I don’t have to play Assassins Creed this year. We’ve got a better option for filling that once-a-year-is-enough hole.

Donald Glover owns just about everything he does. What a marvel of a man.

I turned on my ad-blocker just for that.

Indeed. I dropped mine the first month I had it. It shattered. Replaced the screen and now it’s in a case. I prefer my phones naked, but after that...

That iconic hat though!

... mobile

Wouldn’t that make ‘em women in gamesmedia?

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the one and only perfect use case for streaming games! Demo events are what Stadia and XCloud should have been doing from day 1.

Guess what I’ve got up mine shaft?

It’s a sad state for the world to be like this. Coronavirus. Climate going to hell. Racial tensions. Streamers and influencers everywhere... *shivers*

“careers”... If you can call attention-whoring a career, then sure.

journalist Rod “Slasher” Breslau

So I shouldn’t shove them up my ass? Dang it.


Or, you know, don’t. You’re not doing anything magical in a game that wasn’t pre-programmed, nor are you the first to do it.

Gotta perfectly time your attentionwhoring.

Yes. What if you have a fixed amount of money in your wallet, like most people do. You go in, see the price of the item you want and you know you have just enough money to pay for it. Here comes the check and boom, too much.

I switched to LastPass. Their authenticator also moves with you. Never looked back.

I didn’t. It was already defined, I already said as much. If you want to make your own thing, turn trek into star wars for instance, go right ahead. But why do you need the license of the original product for that? Why not just make your own thing? It’s because they want the pre-made set of customers, that’s why.