
It’s not Trek at all. Trek was already defined. If you want to do something else, DO SOMETHING ELSE. Don’t fool people into your thing by masquerading it as something it’s not.

This is going to happen exactly 0 times.

Wow. Shutterstock failure!

Well now. From lifehacking to just regular hacking and stealing. World is going to hell anyway, might as well enjoy the ride, right fellas?

And please keep doing this afterwards. I never liked going to the movies, they are hardly worth the extreme hassle.

Oh please. Companies aren’t people learning a new language. The god awful word jumble titles are by west facing companies.

It isn’t mine either. Doesn’t mean you just have to use a random word generator to name your things.

Man, does Japan suck at naming things. Birth by Sleep Final Mix. Soft on Demand. Re:Chain of Memories...

There are so many people on this planet. There’s enough of us to indulge a little. 

Geez. Snowflake much?

And Yakuza actually managed to finish a story!

You mean HER. Not HIM. That is the one takeaway here.

All she needed was hollywood medicine. A blanket and some water.



To see if they click?

So what (on Earth) will he spend the other 120 billion on?

Why would you pre-order a console? Are we expecting shortages?

I don’t think they can, being a 2nd party developer for Sony. Sony financed the entire endeavor, I’m sure.

It’s not about hating change... It’s about friends lists, it’s about achievements, heck, it might be a little thing like tracked playtime or a ready and waiting forum and community per game if you need a little help with or want to vent about some bug. It’s about having potentially all the players there for

If Sony doesn’t beat them to it by, you know, just releasing the damn games on PC like they are doing with Horizon Zero Dawn. That would be the true baller move.