
So you like sci-fi more than you do fantasy. And yes, the hoodie looks bad.

There ya go.

The weird ass drunk dancing dude at 1.25 was pretty funny.

Would like a word. Probably GNASH!

That's what I meant. It's hard to express sarcasm sometimes.

Yeah. Some folks just don't have the computer smarts. Smarts being the fear you overcome of them. Those folk tend to gravitate towards macs for works.

And this is what the internet on a gameboy looks like after the apocalypse.

How are you not fitting in? You're not going to be wearing them on the street!

Yeah. Because my biggest worry is looking like a real tool. When I'm gaming. In my room. With folks on the internet.


Well, then he's a hypocrite.

What does it matter? They both still believe in the invisible man in the sky.

On a daily basis. Suuuuuuure.

Oh religions, just take your imaginary friends and put yourselves on an ice block and head off to sea to die in peace.

For us little people, it's just a case of giving somebody else the username and the password. I don't see how Apple would know somebody was alive or dead.

I've already spent €20 on bank slots! (Bloody trading post is down.)

Thanks. Hadn't seen that before. Let's hope neither of them take an arrow to the knee.

Don't worry, I'll patiently wait here with you for pics of that fabled "Hockey Ass". In or out of the jeans. It's all good.

Needs less appendages.

She had me at potential slayer.