
You probably prefer looking at dusty craters in Afghanistan.

I for one won't be missing the shitload of crap software OEM manufacturers pour over their systems, inadvertently slowing them to a crawl.

I'll start my plant fondling over here, if you don't mind.

Money that would've been better spent bombing a country to pieces, right?

Too bad it doesn't vibrate.

My but you are a twat!

Next thing you know...

It's great. Too bad there's still some gawker sites (IO9, Lifehacker) that he hasn't gotten this to work with. I can do without in Fleshbot.

These are priceless too.

Oh that slick slick 60fps, never a hitch or a slowdown GX.

Man I hope so.

No MMO's, no need for buttons.

There is. For a book. Thing is like 900 pages thick. A hefty 45 hours of audiobook, last time I heard it, which was a couple of months ago.

Also, you know, for when there's an ectoplasmic birthcanal.

That's LucasArts, whole 'nother thing entirely.

I'll probably get in on that once more folks like Felicia Day and Whedon get into the game.

Ah, if that is you, you're indeed somebody whose content I've seen a couple of times. Good stuff!

Call me when it does that before it's even finished uploading. Roll out the precogs!

How quickly we forget. Motorola Defy. Mine's still going strong!

After all these years, I still don't truly see the appeal of the whole thing.