Why does this not have more stars?
Why does this not have more stars?
This needs a heckofa lot more stars.
AH: Do you guys think we can win this case?
The pick is on regular rotation on teevee this week, courtesy of that Disney commercial. I suspect those spots are especially painful for Seattle fans to watch.
Why is this still in the grey? Damn you, Kinja, damn you to hell!
Right - because "but liberals are hypocrites!" is an awesome argument.
You forgot to mention that Al Gore is fat.
Keep drinking that right-wing kool aid bro.
Certainly more legitimate than the converse - fewer taxes on polluters, fewer environmental regulations, and less government oversight. Because those would all help to combat climate change, amirite?
I suspect it does a pretty good job doubling as a dildo, so that's worth considering.
The AP's unnamed law enforcement official says he sent the video anonymously, with a note attached that read "Ray Rice elevator video. You have to see it. It's terrible."
He looks like the poster-boy for pasty conservative white dudes.
Don't hold back man, tell us how you really feel!
I bet you're a lot of fun at parties.
They were much more, ahem, practical inside of the Sears catalog.
I'm still surprised by just how many people do not know about Hola.
Hasn't it already arrived via Chrome's Hola extension?
Don't be so sure - they are LSU fans after all.
Why do I feel like that's probably not the first time she's gone down?