t('-'t)....The Unpronounceable (KTope)

Yeah...no. If that integrated unit charging cable is damaged, you're left with a paperweight. Also, the price is significantly higher than other products with higher capacity and engineering prowess.

The Zendure A3, for example, is exceptionally well designed, has two USB outputs, and is $30 cheaper for nearly twice

It seems like a sweet deal for everyone until you consider the type of person who would buy a Kindle at a corner book shop instead of directly from Amazon or at a large retail store is precisely the archetype that keeps corner book stores in business, for now.

"Oh Harold, look, it's one of those ebook things Susan

What exactly does an automated trolley have to do with self-driving cars?

Jeeeeesus fuck. Biometric sensors, a bluetooth transmitter, and a sufficient battery CANNOT POSSIBLY need to be this big, or have a flat bottom and sharp corners. Did he just toss an S3 in the incision and go have a beer?

I notice the lack of cockpit windows. Are we looking at a heavily armed, hypersonic drone?

I ordered the Zendure A3, can't wait!

I have never seen a security guard that I couldn't outrun.

I'm surprised anyone is interested in this, considering the inevitable, and rapidly-approaching, future of helium supply.

Does your medieval globe approximate the look of Earth's weather system when viewed from space? Mine doesn't.

Mmmnnmm...yeah. I can't wait to cover that up with an obligatory silicone case.

So it's a plastic 5 for (probably) the same price as a 5 a few months from now? I can hardly contain my yawns.

There are several other Roku apps that can do this, and have been able to for quite a while. My only question is: why? I'm not being a pessimist, I just literally can't think of how this is really useful.

You win.

People still use Ebay? I'm not sure I've made a single purchase there since Amazon Prime debuted.

Holy crap, everyone needs to stop listing every car they have ever seen with a tape deck.

If Samsung released a telephone that plugged into the wall in your home and allowed you to make phone calls, would you throw your cell phone in the trash?

A beveled-type logo is really the end result of all that hype? It looks like it was made by someone whose design sensibilities haven't advanced one bit since the late 90's.

I was momentarily hopeful for the announcement of a nice leather strap instead. Any other shortcomings or fashion faux pas are completely meaningless to me — I was turned off 100% by the silicone strap.

Has nobody thought to mount cameras for a few days and, you know...find out?