t('-'t)....The Unpronounceable (KTope)


Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I mean I like the concept, but that memory cart vs a regular SD card would really add a lot of off balance weight.

how’s this:

Please tell me I’m not the only one laughing at the irony of a battery called “Tesla” that will ween you off AC grid power.


Somehow I get the feeling their engineers didn’t overlook such issues.

One ring to fool them all

As a liberal, it's fun to mock the anti-science idiocy of the right-wing. But nuclear power is decidedly where liberals run afoul of scientific reality.

A shit ton of people probably.


Being saved from Internet Explorer is a bit like being saved from scurvy. Everyone has already moved on, right?

Given how low this constellation will be and how high it's population will be latency should be under 10ms for most hops similar to the ones you do on the internet every day. It might be a little slower than your connection at home, and it might not be the best for gaming, but for every day usage you wouldn't notice


Then stop visiting. No one is making you. When the scientific community is in practical consensus on the issue, what else do you want to be called?

I think we need a Gizmodo poll to see how many readers truly believe that human-caused climate change isn't real. I would bet dollars to donuts it isn't a "large portion".


So as someone who denies that global warming is occurring, what is the proper name for someone like you?

Then dont.

See this thing called the earth, it's bigger than the Northeastern United States of America.