t('-'t)....The Unpronounceable (KTope)

"They'll guarantee that Microsoft's first push into smartphones isn't an embarrassment"

Interesting thought! Blackberry was the WinXP of the mobile world back then, the marriage would have been perfect. That would have been one hell of an expensive acquisition, however.

Was it worth it? Answer quickly, please.

You probably should go and tweet someone.

Do me a favor and swipe your open palm over your head while imitating the sound of a passing racecar.

Thank you.

After being pissed off that GM apparently didn't bite (I sell Chevrolets, so I was obviously rooting for the General), my mind immediately went to Tesla as well. It may be as simple as the price tag of any Tesla vehicle that is preventing this from happening.

Fuck tha police!

He would qualify for an Honorable Mention, since he didn't remove himself from the gene pool, but he came damn close while doing something incredibly foolish.

Fair is fair, but I would hate to see HP's lawyers go too hard on Chubbs.

That band is fugly. If it were links made of the same lasered titanium, I would definitely be interested in buying it.

Yahoo! is still a thing?

Nobody whose opinion matters has ever thought Apple puts out a superior product regarding specs/price. They are damn good at designing hardware and software, and there is something to be said for a consistent, solid, polished product.

I have a gun next to my bed that fires comparatively huge rounds with much higher accuracy, can be reloaded in about a second, and doesn't break after a few rounds. I don't fear these guns.

In any given drop, it's a matter of luck. My girlfriend broke her 4S last week with a ~18" fall. It fell flat on the face, which I assumed was a good thing, until she picked it up and we saw shattered glass. Shit design, plain and simple. My Droid 4 has a ~1mm lip running around the screen. It is nearly invisible

Day one of military weapons training involves determining which of your eyes is dominant. It is usually the same as your hands (I'm right-handed, right-eyed, for instance), but that isn't always the case. One guy in my unit was right-handed but left-eyed.

The top image is WAY easier to focus on, and has a better 3D effect. The bottom one has the cardboard cutout look, and I have to work to maintain focus.

All of them.

There's a very high chance you'll eat those words someday. I've seen way too many people crack their iPhone screens — it doesn't take much.

You lost me at "glass screen bending over the corners".

I have much love for Chevy, but I do hope they drop the gold from the bowtie next time around. I like it a lot on certain vehicles and colors, but on others it just looks cheap and gaudy.