t('-'t)....The Unpronounceable (KTope)

I can't stand looking at this building.

We used to have hashtags that came in handy for that (among other things), I don't think they really care what's written down here now.

Fair enough, although my main reason for responding was a call for moderation.

Only 40% of the population is against same-sex marriage, so, by your own methods of judgement, your argument is abnormal and moot.

A sphere would inefficient as a wheel. The most glaring problem being traction.

Look at Mr. Pious with "69" in his username. You're obviously a model citizen.

Can we get some moderation here, please? I remember a time on Giz when hate tangents would be met with a swift banhammer.

"The Nexus 7 also holds its own in memory, being matched in gigs only by Samsung's Galaxy Tab 3."

The same reason why a huge bag of popcorn costs $6, while the comparatively tiny one costs $5.25

Every third comment is stating the obvious, that gravity is the weakest of the four known forces, so comparing a new force's strength to gravity's is not saying much.

Would you rather they charged $100 more for $5 worth of flash memory, like everyone else?

Welcome to the internet. We often use funny images to convey the emotion we feel about a particular subject. It's easier than conveying it through text, and has proven entertainment value.

Oh, for crying out loud, this is no time for puns!

They aren't working to build one computer.


Duolingo is the only of these I have used (in addition to Rosetta Stone for 3 different languages). While it isn't perfect, Duolingo impressed the hell out of me. Next time I need to learn a language, or brush up on one for a trip, I'll probably skip Rosetta Stone entirely. Thanks for the list, a couple other

I'm still stuck on 800m^2 per gram. That concept just swirls around in my head and curses at me, completely evading any meaningful comprehension.

Is it, in fact, impossible to click annotations that are stacked beneath others?

Switch teams around 35, did ya?

Would you mind telling us how that works in your head, professor?

So...in summation: