t('-'t)....The Unpronounceable (KTope)

Cut off subtitles is still better than the dubbed Park movies on Netflix in the USA. Oldboy just isn't the same with dopey American voice actors, dammit!

That's a fairly common crime in the midwest.

For those who are doubting the durability or scorning the price, you obviously haven't ever owned one of the magnificent shoes from the Free lineup. I've given mine absolute HELL (seriously, it's unbelievable what I have put these shoes through) and they still look brand new after I clean them up.

It will have to be a catch-all device to be truly successful. All of the things you mentioned, and a lot more, would have to function flawlessly for a smartwatch to find a niche in our gadget-crowded lives.

I haven't seen a POV shot from Glass yet, but I have heard that the core functionality is akin to Now; I could

This is not even remotely adequate for Europa. It's not meters of ice, it's kilometers!

"All of this water is appearing in my helmet out of nowhere. It must just be something wrong with my suit, guys."

It's a prototype reactor core, obviously.

Are you sure you're on the right website?

You must have massive wrists if that watch doesn't look monsterously out of place.

As a remote for music playing on my phone, it could be incredible.

"All" is not meaningless when dealing with infinity. Not even a little bit.

This man is personally responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent people, and the information he held between his ears was key to bringing the foremost terror group on the planet to its knees. His rights to live in anything but hell on Earth were forfeited when he decided to use his gifted mind to fuck up

Generally speaking, I'm against torture. This man, however, deserves everything Gitmo has to offer. Also, at the time of his arrest, he likely knew more about Al Qaeda's structure, assets, and future plans than anyone on the planet.


Wholly irrelevant, yet extremely captivating. Soon there will be nobody left on the planet who can handcraft a vacuum tube this way.

What an odd article. I associate crappy typing habits with mobile users, not computers.

"Youn"? Really?

So the signal has a 12 mile range, but they are going to be flying nearly 12 miles (60,000 feet) up. How does this work?

Thankfully they haven't killed off Chrome's zoom feature.

26 and never broken a bone. I nearly killed myself multiple times in my first 23 years or so, including many trips to the hospital covered in blood. My bones don't break.