t('-'t)....The Unpronounceable (KTope)

Bowman, Poole, and HAL are all in orange. Skywatcher, however, is absent.

As for the narrator, I have no idea what they're referencing.

No, a bicycle is the ultimate zero emission vehicle. While being a very low emission vehicle, this is partly powered by coal.

If it were $3K less, I'd still probably buy it though.

Dammit. I really need to get in the habit of skipping to the price tag on things like this instead of reading the whole article and falling in love with a product that is prohibitively expensive. This is a full $2,000 more than an immaculate 2009 Honda Shadow I'm thinking about buying from a friend — that's hard to

Ehh...fair point; although I really doubt local channels will be included in this deal.

TL;DR — You just got a bunch of channels that you already had. If you didn't already have them, nothing changed.

TL;DR, TL;DR — Nothing changed.

Welcome to Gizmodo?

There are many species right here on Earth that can withstand incredibly high levels of radiation, and they evolved right here within our protective bubble. To say that life could not be sustained on a planet without a strong magnetic field is ludicrous.

Also, the battery on mine lasts over a week with daily use, and that's after 5 years of abuse. It's too awesome to not have.

Oh look, another thing I'll never hear about ever again.

I don't think anyone would have suspected it would be cost or time efficient to print bricks. Whole walls, on the other hand...

That is nothing short of brilliant.

Bro. Get a Sansa Fuze. The sound quality is fantastic, and it will handle your music files a hell of a lot better than 5,000 unorganized songs playing on shuffle.

An accelerometer wouldn't be able to determine how fast you are going. Maybe a large, complicated array of accelerometers would be able to, but it would be much simpler to do it with a phone app or bluetooth equipped add-on to the bike itself. The latter would be incredible, as you would then have a tachometer and

One down.

I don't think eye tracking would be very useful for this feature. Just think of your eyes flicking up to the clock just as you're about to launch an app, only to have your thumb hit a completely different icon that now occupies that area of the screen.

Fear not, we'll get plenty of bitching fodder in the week after release. Then once more when the next handset is released. Glorious days lie ahead, my friend!

This guy does a great vsauce impersonation.

Make the Droid 5 or GTFO, Motorola.

I sell new and used cars for a living, so I pair phones to car stereos almost daily. I have yet to have an Android phone in my hand that I cannot pair.

iPhones, on the other hand, always present issues with some paired services, and require USB for internet radio connection and such. Even then, they are constantly

Petman didn't exist anywhere near 2005, but yes, they are completely overlooking Boston Dynamics' contributions to bipedal robotics.