t('-'t)....The Unpronounceable (KTope)

It was 1995, and I was 8 years old. I had used computers a lot at that point, having an old Compaq running Windows 3.1 in my bedroom, and having been taught how to run DOS for over a year, but I didn't know much of anything about the internet. I was on the phone with my Dad, asking him about the internet, and

Story checks out.


To be fair, the building and area are a bit different, not to mention Mr. Lad is facing the wrong way.

The mechanics of a runaway greenhouse effect would prevent us from simply "throwing oil companies under the bus" to fix the problem on the brink of massive ecological disaster.

"We're never going to poison the Earth."
"...if [we don't leave] within 500 years, we're probably fucked."
"...all the [...] crap we've

Lard Lad Donuts, hence the crashed cop car and 30' tall Lard Lad.

Better spent than a day looking at fish, I say.

If anyone needs me, I'll be over here.

Broken USB port mobo connection in 5...4...3...

I hadn't heard the hard g pronunciation before a co-worker tried telling me I was pronouncing it wrong 2 weeks ago. It just sounded right in my head, I never once considered an alternate pronunciation. Thanks for helping me win a drawn-out argument, Pappa Jif!

Right on, way to keep an open mind after a bad experience.

I'm a Chevrolet salesman, so I'm well aware of the cost of factory systems. Sure, the price is somewhat comparable, although factory navigation also comes with a backup camera with most brands, and extensive infotainment options. Also, the cost is rolled into financing, which is a little easier to swallow than

Doesn't everyone love annotations?

Doesn't everyone love annotations?

You lost me at $2,500. Anyone with that kind of jack to spend on a GPS unit probably already has one built into their dash.

Try some Boulevard wheat. You'll thank me later.

An extremely dirty business, in fact.

What brand was that? I've never had a wheat beer that could be described that way.

I'm aware of that, and I don't have a problem with it one bit. The fact that I can get a great beer when I'm at just about any restaurant is aces by me.

Oh, Stella. How did I forget you?