t('-'t)....The Unpronounceable (KTope)

While we're on this topic, a friend of mine brought over a case of Budweiser Black Crown a month or so ago. I was expecting a "look we craft too, hurrr" drinking experience, but was surprised when it turned out to be a pretty damn tasty brew. They didn't try to ape the craft breweries, and they didn't make another

I can't seem to find Photoshop CS6 in Google Play anywhere! I'm also having trouble finding IE, so I can access my company's CRM when I need it out of the office. A metric shit ton of the web still runs Flash, where can I find a plugin for a browser that runs on Android?

I can't think of a single person I know who would be fine with a Chrome Book. Laptops are now mostly used to do whatever a phone or tablet cannot. A laptop that does less than an iPad is absurd, and last time I looked, their sales reflect that clearly.

Most people don't replace their laptops every 2 years anymore. We've gotten to a point where a 5 year old budget laptop, reasonably cared for, can run anything the average user will throw at it with grace.

BOOM! 14,786 on my second game.

Awesome, I know what I'm doing at work tomorrow.

My first guess was only 179 km off (no Googling), but it was all downhill from there, more or less. 8479 score on my first game, although there were a couple I went against my initial instinct and kicked myself for.

You are here.

As always, I hated how it looked and spent a couple minutes cleaning it up.

The market is saturated, the pie can no longer grow fast enough to support the number of slices being introduced every day. This does not mean the pie is shrinking.

Screw it, I fixed it myself.

If I saw the one in the article, I would assume it was a phone. Not an iPhone, but definitely a phone.

Nobody uses...mobile anymore?

Also note that around half of that circle is water, and much of the landmass is comprised of hostile terrain where few or no people live.

Your definition of "better looking" is different than mine.

Not sure if serious.

My daughter was reading chapter books on her own in first grade, age 6.

"If you have made a huge mistake, reply with COME ON to unsubscribe."



Isn't the primary purpose of the Nook to sell Barnes & Noble's media? Offering the Play ecosystem seems like a strange move, unless, perhaps, they are getting ready for a content (or full-on) merger. Now that would be something.

I'm being strangled to death by pop culture references.