t('-'t)....The Unpronounceable (KTope)

I didn't know a week was "quite a while" by today's standards.

...says someone who has never used Windows 8.

With small papers closing up shop faster than Blockbuster locations, this is probably one of the most accurate predictions the movie made about the year 2015.

Exploration — such as those four Earth-like planets they found in one solar system last month? The planet in a different system that was in the "Goldilocks Zone" of it's sun? The practical confirmation over the past decade that multiple-planet solar systems are ubiquitous?

Oh god, that would have been a hell of a tweet.

I know you said it jokingly, but I could join the Navy Seals right now if I had the slightest interest in returning to military life. "Hell Week" would be a vacation compared to the hell month I already completed.

Elementary school massacres are a national past time in China. As it turns out, shitty old hunting rifles (read: impossible to ban) in the hands of a farmer puts holes in children just the same as a semi-automatic pistol. Who knew?

Yeah...it's really not as hard as you make it out to be.

All gun owners hate Obama?

Not illegal, but it does cost like $1,200 per year for a full-auto permit, plus a several thousand dollar rifle. I'll keep my semi-auto, thank you.

It isn't possible to make the world 100% gun free. This is a fact.

Firearm effective range: As soon as an assailant sees the gun. The mere sight of a taser or mace isn't going to stop a maniac from assaulting their intended victim. A pistol, however, will make damn near every one of them stop dead in their tracks or turn and flee.

"Give up your guns, and make it at least a little harder for a maniac to go on a killing spree."

I got rid of all of my worldly possessions (sans clothes, books, and movies) and moved to Europe for a while last year. Upon my return, I needed to completely furnish my new apartment on the cheap. I knew I didn't want a bunch of used stuff from Craigslist (I've been down that road, and you end up with a house full

I'll bet that feature is activated by button pressing though. If a third-party screenshot app activates another way, I'll bet discreet screenshots are cake.

This...is actually a very good idea. Of course, it would only protect against iOS's built-in screenshot software. 3rd party software, activated by anything else but the hard-key combination, would be pretty much impossible to stay ahead of.

Old messages are completely out of sight, out of mind; this app is pointless, aside from novelty and false security.

I apparently didn't look hard enough. Thanks much.


It depends on the woman. I lived with a girl who had a Hitachi for the duration of our relationship and some time prior; she still managed to get off at least once every time we fooled around.