t('-'t)....The Unpronounceable (KTope)

In addition to the answers already listed, a robot will not shy from gunfire, and is capable of following complex commands. If you need to get a load of ammo to another group during a shootout, good luck telling a derp-eyed mule to make a bee-line to Sgt. Mashmushay, unload, and then return to your side.

Or $100 used netbooks.

Prior belief in the theory be damned, this is fucking cool.

That's interesting, I hadn't even considered that. Is relative distance from the center of mass to the surface the only factor that causes this effect?

My thoughts as well. I would love to throw a fist full of bills at anyone who used that lovely form for a Roku 2 XS or next-gen (i.e. "good") Google TV. I even had a shelf in my entertainment center picked out just for that sexy bitch.

For $120, it may have been equipped with a system that allowed it to float (or gently glide, as a few R/C hovercars I had as a child 20 years ago did) or with RE magnets that allowed it to hover over a display platform.

None at all. I sprung for the XS with the motion controller, and it has worked flawlessly. I also use the Android app for typing (which, once again, affirms my choice to have a slide-out QWERTY keyboard — it's fantastic when searching for movies and such) and it all works wonderfully.

This is completely stupid, and here is why:

Roku 2 XS

I refer you to the reason why these buildings are being built on unoccupied real estate.

I can't seem to find a list of past "5 in 5" predictions. I would love to take a look at the items they listed in their 2005-2008 lists, but all I find are dead links to IBM's site that now direct to an About page.

Seeing someone misinterpret mockery and then agree with it is every bit as funny as I always imagined it to be.


Topical! That show ended half a decade ago...

Between that, and the rushed story arcs that were intended to be spread out over the next season or two, I cannot imagine what they were thinking. It was everything but the series-relaunching vehicle it really should have been.

Was it everything you hoped for?

First off, trainers are not supposed to be running shoes, although I'm sure they do okay at that as well. If you are trying to see how they are intended to be used, think about the gym shoes you had to wear in high school and why.

Firefly kind of blue itself with Serenity. I really don't think it is ever coming back.

I just bought a Roku 2 XS last night. Once you put some apps on there, it does absolutely everything you listed, and a hell of a lot more. Truly amazing product, and cheap as shit.

How embarrassing!