t('-'t)....The Unpronounceable (KTope)

But if I have to give a blood sample to log into every porn site I go to, I'll be dead in a matter of days!

Not to be a pedant, but it is far from hard or impossible to fake a fingerprint. Mythbusters did it with a licked piece of paper with a thumbprint printed onto it, among other ways. It was pathetically easy, really.

Most people who are presented with the opportunity earn money by being corrupt, will do so. Fact.

I'd cross it, but only if it is a straight drop to a clean death from end-to-end. I would hate to have to crawl away with a couple of broken legs.

That's right. I read about this a long time ago and had forgotten it was not another sports car.

So...not so much a "water gun knife" as a water-propelled conveyor with steel sawblades at the end, huh?

Keeping the parts of a HDD the size of a stamp from crashing into each other seems considerably easier than a 2.5" HDD. The magnets can only be so powerful before they begin to affect other components.

Yes, I indeed what to do.

Pushing rock on the corner IS a job.

Don't worry Zinger, you'll always have Jesus Diaz.

All they need to do is enlighten people to the benefits of LED lighting.

You're surprised Vizio, a company that makes LED TVs, would start making LED lightbulbs?

I'm going to take a shot in the dark here and say you haven't started many large-scale fires in densely-populated areas.

You said it was a good size!

The multi-lens camera? That was like two years ago.

Indeed. We all like recycling, and we all like making burgers, but there is no need to combine the two activities.

Technically, only one of them is wrong.

Then throw your Nokia at a stranger's crotch and watch it explode?

$2,000,000 worth of purchased exploits, on top of the development costs of massively complex software? I'd say it's fair to proclaim government involvement. If it is a terrorist organization, then al Qaeda is laughably archaic by comparison.