I can solve a 3x3x3 in 4 minutes, so that means I can solve this in 22 minutes, right?
I can solve a 3x3x3 in 4 minutes, so that means I can solve this in 22 minutes, right?
@spectralveil: It is my expert opinion that this laser is worth precisely 12 times that.
@KamWrex: As silly as they may be, you really should take them seriously. Even if the percent of their population making less than $2/day remains the same (nearly 40%), the size of their economy is going to surpass the US's in the next 10 years.
@Felipe058: Numbers are words too, you racist!
@Kinowolf: I came to the same conclusion, you beat me to commenting.
@Super Gizmodoman: You say "money-hungry" like it's a bad thing.
@Kaiser-Machead: No shit. It's a portable gaming system that purportedly makes the *amazing* original PSP look like an Atari 2600, what is there to complain about?
@ps61318: The Navy, huh?
@Ferret: Belated #heartclick
@Platypus Man: It comes with the territory, our job is to only communicate with worthy commenters. Now more than ever, that is really needed here. I had actually slowly stopped reading the articles completely and stuck to hashtags until a few weeks ago I decided to try switching to only view featured commenters, now…
@Platypus Man: I know it's difficult to resist when a grey says something like this, but you need to be more careful about who you promote.
@Tyrunn: DARPA invented the internet, not Brits.
@Hearthatvoiceagain says Get well soon Steve.: That problem is already fixed in self-driving cars. They have cameras that queue the system to trigger the brakes before smacking into a big fuckin' building.
@jeepfreak: And how many little bottles of liquid VCR cleaner have you bought?
@genis1: So...you're saying you like your rape to be premature?
@kalleboo: I've seen plenty of rape in my life too, you don't see me bragging about it.
@Stacky Botrus: @Stacky Botrus: You've falsely assumed I eat a bunch of shit food. I have fast food maybe once or twice per month, when I really don't have much of a choice. These hypothetical people you speak of that live a healthier lifestyle obviously don't eat fast food at all anyways, right? So what is the…