t('-'t)....The Unpronounceable (KTope)

@Platypus Man: It comes with the territory, our job is to only communicate with worthy commenters. Now more than ever, that is really needed here. I had actually slowly stopped reading the articles completely and stuck to hashtags until a few weeks ago I decided to try switching to only view featured commenters, now

@Platypus Man: I know it's difficult to resist when a grey says something like this, but you need to be more careful about who you promote.

@Tyrunn: DARPA invented the internet, not Brits.

@jeepfreak: And how many little bottles of liquid VCR cleaner have you bought?

@genis1: So...you're saying you like your rape to be premature?

@kalleboo: I've seen plenty of rape in my life too, you don't see me bragging about it.

@Stacky Botrus: @Stacky Botrus: You've falsely assumed I eat a bunch of shit food. I have fast food maybe once or twice per month, when I really don't have much of a choice. These hypothetical people you speak of that live a healthier lifestyle obviously don't eat fast food at all anyways, right? So what is the

@kalleboo: Well...rapeseed oil doesn't sound very appetizing.

@powerpunk: I know, that's why I called them "processed nuggets"...

I understand they are avoiding legal conflicts by not calling their processed nuggets "wings", but WYNGZ? Seriously?

How the hell is that "gruesome"?

@espinha: Did you really expect it to be quality food for less than a buck each? I was actually surprised there is any beef in it at all. I worked at Sonic as a teenager, the chili they serve doesn't contain meat of any kind.

@Aminpro: I get that, but have you ever lit something on fire that isn't coated in an accelerant? Beds don't just immediately burst into flames the second a cigarette lighter is held under them. It would take at least a few seconds to grow into a fire you couldn't easily put out with your hand.

I'm baffled. If he was using the lighter to see, that means he was looking right at it. So...he started a piece of fabric on fire while looking right at it, and couldn't put it out before it spread?

@ender89: Yeah, that's from Episode III. I couldn't believe how bad it was when I first saw the movie. James Earl Jones is a good voice actor, it's baffling that they went with that recording.

@withaspoon94: Nobody tells kindergarteners to walk around a burning house and close windows.

@The Squalor Also Rises: Some people aren't stupid. People are stupid. Those of us that aren't stupid are the minority.