t('-'t)....The Unpronounceable (KTope)

@The Squalor Also Rises: You seem to be ignoring what you already know about most people. They are stupid, lazy, and irresponsible.

@\m/ chaosphere \m/: I wasn't aware that someone could live in this country without consuming corn products.

@TheClap: I'm sure the sophisticated technology they'll outfit this with make windows completely unnecessary for taxiing.

@GreySmith: Yeah, getting hit by a plane with a huge spike on the front is much worse than getting hit by a normal plane.

@stre: Don't forget the content removal and convenient translations that has occurred in the centuries since.

@143lsb: You are joking...right?

My last name begins with a 'T', I always fucking hated alphabetical order so much. I have often wondered if all of that endless, torturous waiting in my developmental years led to my impatient personality.

Free broadband and phone service for everyone, and it is profitable for the owners of the networks?

Thank you Lord.

Maybe Sony Ericsson should sue the marketing team that created that bland, forgettable logo.

@Cattra: The pin does nothing more than hold the spoon in place, similar to how a fire extinguisher pin works. So long as you're holding down the spoon, you can insert and remove the pin as many times as you like. Once you release the spoon, however, the process is irreversible.

@Arcane: Even more practical- this could be used to solve the seemingly impossible Space Phone problem.

@BrooklynKnight: Zynga doesn't make video games, they make Pavlovian pellet-releasing buttons.

@Nateilage: You are misinformed, the point of he internet is to connect computers together. The lack of anonymity has been only thinly-veiled for quite some time now.