t('-'t)....The Unpronounceable (KTope)

@diuy: I don't believe the corporations actually see it that way, but they don't have any problem pretending they do when suing college kids for thousands, and in certain cases hundreds of thousands, of dollars.

@ryusen: Then they should be sued, as they are collecting advertising revenue with unlicensed material. That is no different than a movie theater selling tickets to a movie they aren't paying the studio to screen.

@KingPsyz: Kyle does seem enthusiastic about his bottle, but I wouldn't call it "his" bottle.

@diuy: The 700MB version of this movie I downloaded is inferior to the 5 or 6 GB original in both picture and sound quality.

@diuy: No, they are making inferior knock-offs of the car and giving it away for free.

@diuy: The digital copies in question are ripped by end-users and shared using their, and other other viewer's, hard drive space and bandwidth, not the production company's.

@ryusen: Bingo. It would really only work with high production value pornography though, as there are too many sites offering standard porn videos for free and pulling revenue from advertising alone.

@diuy: That's ridiculous! Each individual car costs money to manufacture, and each one has potential for profit once sold. This isn't the case with digital copies.

@csismything: Granted I have no right to watch it, but it STILL isn't a profit loss because I am not a potential customer. Yes, it is stealing. No, there are no monetary damages.

@csismything: Implicit in your argument is the idea that the company had an opportunity to make money from me. Under no circumstances would I have paid even $.01 to watch it. No. Profit. Loss.

This is at least the third occurrence.

@AngryFork: I fought this same argument before I actually got Netflix.

@Dave: I didn't say I had a right to do it, I said that there was no monetary loss involved in me doing so.

@Claydoh: Best cinematography I've ever seen in a porn, aside from Pirates II, of course.

@Live N Learn: I used them for a couple of months until I realized that I was paying much more than a Netflix subscription. It was also pretty annoying to use, less selection, and only marginally faster than torrenting. I cancelled it and got Netflix. I didn't torrent anything for the next few months, and now I only

"People don't realize that when you pirate a movie it hurts all of the people who work very hard to get it produced"


@pirateaboard001: How the hell did you manage that? Were you beating it into submission with your knees until it turned itself?

@Phatric: When I was 16 I taught myself how to make left and right turns at intersections with my knees. It just seemed like an important skill to have at the time...