t('-'t)....The Unpronounceable (KTope)

@Travis Miller: A company is disguising poison as food, marketing the shit out of it, and selling it with toys to millions of parents who are to fucking stupid to realize what they are doing to their child.

A victory for sanity and reason! It had been so long, I had forgotten what it felt like.

@TheLostVikings: I'd say just tackling him off the bike instead of hopping on and shooting him in cold blood would have been a better plan, all things considered.

@t('-'t): +10 points to whomever picks up the reference first.

It's like a fairytale place, it really is.

@TheLostVikings: I wouldn't advise shooting the tire of a motorcycle you are riding on.

@TheKingBoar: Buses have a high operating costs/passenger ratio, cause traffic congestion, and in my city of only 550,000 nary a month goes by that a pedestrian isn't hit by one.

@ManiacalShen: It isn't, which is why he was arrested and charged with murder.

@LittleJ: Shooting the tire on a moving motorcycle with a 9mm Barretta would be difficult enough. With an improvised gun, he would have better luck throwing rocks.

@Dominic5521: Homemade firearms are very common in violent neighborhoods the world over. The sophistication ranges from barely more than a short steel pipe, all the way up to near perfect replicas of manufactured guns.

@noodle: Obviously there are better options in many cases, but suing a corporation or government for making a choice that avoids learning curves among their many technophobes is asinine.

Almost every corporation and organization on the planet does this. They make products everyone is already familiar with. Sure they're flawed, but they are also consistent as hell.

@Symon: One company, under God, indivisible by zero...

@adampdx09: Old testament god would regard it as abhorrent questioning and smite you.

@Alexander Riccio: Decent chance, I'd say. If not, there are other sources out there. That was literally the first site I went to after typing a few words into Google.

The internet makes urban treasure hunting way too easy.

@Settings: Wells Fargo will put any non-copyrighted image on their debt and credit cards at no cost.

Another point for Occam's razor.