t('-'t)....The Unpronounceable (KTope)

@CrispyAardvark: He downloaded it on a peer-to-peer network, so the music data he downloaded was automatically shared with others. He wasn't making illegal copies and selling them out of his trunk, the sharing was a side effect of wanting to listen to music without paying for it.

@CrispyAardvark: I hate spammers as much as anyone else that spends a a lot of time on the web, but making examples of people isn't the way our justice system should work.

This isn't justice, it's a crucifixion.

@t('-'t): More. Yes, all of it is edible...including the ribbon and tag.

@alek2407: The two sentence article states they are cleverly painted tiles.

Get back to me when that machine can do shit like this. A friend of mine does these for fun, she isn't even a professional.

@KaZx: Typical, he is kind of like The Simpsons of Gizmodo.

@corkyt741: He has already been approved and starred, promoting would be redundant, not to mention impossible.

@TheCrudMan: Nah, speaking into US Defense Department-grade speech recognition software is faster.

@TheCrudMan: Knowing how to spell isn't the problem. Only one dumb phone I've owned actually had an adaptive and/or customizable T9 dictionary.

"Those 40km have the dubious honor of being the highest altitude reached by a flying object designed and built entirely in Romania."

@TheCrudMan: No arguments here, I was very late in switching to a phone with a qwerty, as I loved my Samsung dumbphone (It's still my alarm clock) too much to give it up.

A 13MP camera on one side, a plain Jane slider phone straight out of 2006 on the other.

@Anticrawl: How do you know where his eyes were at the time of the accident? How do you know what the visibility was like at the end of the road?

Well...let me be the first to say that he looks freaking thrilled to be in his new car.

Hold on, who got 4chan in my Gizmodo?

I found one of these inside my cell phone.