t('-'t)....The Unpronounceable (KTope)

His site has officially been Gizzed on.


@Dave: You're certainly on the right track. How is giving an animal a mirthless, useless life for years at a time supposed to rehabilitate them? Give them goals, rewards, ups, downs.

@KamWrex: Indeed. However, others do time for selling marijuanna to adults.

@Denver: Mallrats, as Piranha pointed out.

Anyone have a molotov?

@Denver: Err...it's the next line in the movie...

@Dodge2002: Nobody is claiming he is some sort of hero; just that he did something pretty damned impressive, especially when his young age is considered.

@Denver: A Schooner is a sailboat STUPID HEAD!

How in the hell does Terry Crews still have a career? I'm sure he's a nice guy and all, but his acting is infurriatingly annoying.

@Dodge2002: A computer is hardly "huge financial backing". His first venture didn't requre much of anything except perhaps $15/month for web hosting.

@Killjoy: Unlimited streaming is included. I signed up online right after they added 360 streaming, I guess it was a promotional price and I'm grandfathered in.

Apple has tried filing #4 a half-dozen times.

@Michael: If I didn't have both of them on DVD they would surely have passed through my queue at one point or another.

@Killjoy: Huh? I pay $6.99/mo for streaming + 1 DVD...

@tw@t: Then do it. Telling us all about it is wasting precious development time.

Something tells me Hank Rearden didn't willingly make this deal...