Ken Riegel

Correction. The car pictured blew over in 1986 and was fixed and won the championship that year. Swamp Rat 31 blew over in Spokane in 1987 ending Garlits full time career. There was a rash of blowovers in the early to mid 90s but mandatory wheelie bars and technology has put a stop to it thankfully.

Im genuinely surprised Nick Foles isn't on the list

That's the spirit

Not a high motor list


Don Garlits Musem of Drag Racing >

The 12th item? A DVD of Loose Change.

He knows you have to workout with steroids right? You can't just take them and get jacked...

That Mark May gif needs to be used a lot more.

This is a first ballot hall of famer.

To add insult to injury, Papa Johns new "cornball brotha" topping will only be available in the DC Area.

I lived off of old crow in college. Hard to go wrong with an $8 bottle of bourbon.

I'm more offended that he thought that was funny...

I mean, they're not terrible looking. I'll give them a pass

Haha that's funny because it's true

And that's why people love Shaq

This school was my high schools (Pennsbury, class of 2007!) rival. These guys were always smug and self righteous before, I dare picture what they'll be like after this.

So I guess MJ isn't an asshole 100% of the time.

I certainly wouldn't mind getting Hope Solo in my backseat either