That's what I'm going to do all this week/weekend :]

I have to agree with you. I love 80s fashion and late 90s fashion. It'd be great if Dynasty fashion came back! I'm not even kidding.

The 90s was awesome! Ah, good times. Good times.

Yes, yes he is. I saw him as an evil-er Hollow Man.


I know what I'm doing tonight!

Oooooooooh, I must watch this!

Did you watch him in Hollow Man? If so, maybe that's why you think he's creepy. I did for a while.

Please, who is this man? I must know. I envy his fabulous hair and stylish outfit.

Yawn. Whatever. Wake me up when George Clooney explains the 90s.

Yes, they (I'm taking two) control my epilepsy very well. I am pleased! I wish all the best to you :]

Thanks! It helps me control my epilepsy.

Yup! That's me. I'm "skinny fat." The only thing keeping me thin is my medication. I am very ashamed of myself.

I completely understand you!

I just read some of them. Yeah, pretty disgusting.

I think that was (and still is!) his way of keeping animals out of his garage. That's pretty common, unfortunately.

I hope nothing happens to them! Sephora drank a bowl of antifreeze our neighbor kept in his garage. Unfortunately, that's what killed her. I'd say talk to your neighbors. Hopefully, they don't keep poisons inside their garages.

I'd like to think our beloved family furry members are in a better place.

Jezebel actually covered this a few months ago. The model interviewed basically said that most models put up with messed up photo-shoots, lest they be considered "hard to work with." Once a model is labeled "hard to work with" it's hard to get jobs. If you ever run into a model, you can ask. I did and she confirmed

That looks completely stupid. I am a little speechless right now.