RIP Sephora. She was a wonderful cat :[ Who knew Vodka saves lives?

Yes, yes it is. Also, I watch certain shows illegally (ssssssssssssssshhhhh). I feel almost no shame!

YES! Last night's episode was mind-blowing. I just hope FOX doesn't cancel it!

I assume dollar stores (from looking at the products).


Approving your comment because I got really red from laughing so much.

That's another reason why I love Etsy. The sellers actually take time to write thank-you letters.

Yay! I can't wait :] Seriously, I really love my new owl pot-holder!

Post the recipe! Post it!!!! :]

I will. It's truly too pretty to be used.

ETA: Just made it larger.

That one is actually more cool than WTF! I mean, it's still WTF but leans more toward cool :]

The detailing is so intricate. I love it! The photo does not do her work justice. Check out the other stuff she sells. Now those photos do her justice! I've been looking forward to receiving this! I am not disappointed :]

That must be one kickass paper! You don't mind sharing one tiny bit, would you? A paragraph would suffice.


I just received my owl pot-holder that I ordered from Etsy (it looks way better in person! Promise!).

I'm epileptic. I can safely tell you she is not one. Yes, there are many different kinds of seizures, but this isn't one of them. Maybe she does have a medical disorder (narcolepsy, perhaps?) or she's on drugs (hopefully not!).

Yes, yes it is. And scary.

Hmm, that sounds interesting. I may do that tomorrow night.

How juicy! I have no words to describe how hilarious I find this.