My apologies. My humor is awful.
It's from the movie Dead Alive.
That was my understanding, too!
I googled pictures of them together. I still don't see it.
In our imaginations!
I don't see it. They have the same lips and bone structure.
I bet! I think it must be as awkward as rearranging your stuff in public.
I just watch these things out of curiosity. I don't take them seriously. You're totally right- they don't have respect for Jesus' story. Maybe one day someone will make a movie about Jesus that is 100% accurate and doesn't feature a hot supermodel (white) dude.
I can't believe that dude is his brother. They look nothing alike! I don't his brother's unattractive. I think they're both equally attractive, but that's just my opinion.
She's the only actress I enjoyed watching.
That must be horrible! I've had guy friends share their horror stories. Yikes!
I just watched the trailer. It looks horrible! I've noticed that directors tend to cast actresses with OK to just terrible acting skills when it comes to these things.
I always pictured Jesus looking like this.
If they got the right actresses to play the male roles, I think it'd be great. That's just my opinion.
I agree with you. As a Christian, I think it's ridiculous that directors cast all of these attractive white men to portray Jesus. When I watched The Bible, I was too distracted by the actor's hotness. I felt perv-y just thinking "Wow! Hello, Sexy Jesus!" Even if I weren't a Christian, I'd still have a problem with…
I'm pretty sure there's a video out there that has better acting. Their acting isn't terrible, it's just OK (like you said). I still love the idea. I think it's brilliant!