I've never watched Goodfellas. I know what it's about, but have never watched it. May you please elaborate? I'm interested.
I've never watched Goodfellas. I know what it's about, but have never watched it. May you please elaborate? I'm interested.
I absolutely love the idea, but dislike the execution. It's still amusing, though.
Holy shit. Wow. Just wow.
I just asked a dude. He explained it to me in detail. Yeah, it can be embarrassing. I feel bad for men. That must suck.
Thank you :]
What did the person say? It must have been horrible. That makes me even more upset.
This is beyond messed up, upsetting, disgusting, etc.! Poor lady! I can't imagine what she's going through. Some people suck!
Regardless, I'm enjoying this. I feel a little perv-y, though. Oh, the confliction!
I think I'm the only one that thinks this is awesome. I am not ashamed!
Unfortunately, I can't see what you posted. I don't know if it's Kinja or my computer.
I can't help but laugh at your comment. I'm not even close to offended. I'm actually pretty impressed how you keep finding my comments and calling me a "nutjob." That takes dedication! Bravo, bravo.
I bought that one item. That's the only thing that I could buy. I kind of went crazy with my paycheck, so yeah (I don't get paid much, so I didn't spend $1,000+ by the way. My salary is both laughable and sad).
Yes! I curse in Russian when I hurt myself/mess up/whatever at work. I just say it's Spanish for "ouch."
Apparently, my accent's OK (I try to practice it with a Russian co-worker). I can put together a few sentences and I can make out a few words (mostly the bad words). I'm proud of myself!
Oh, snap!
I just realized Putin looks like my great-grandfather. My great-grandfather even had the same I-will-kill-you face that Putin possesses!
That's fine. No rush :] I will enjoy it! It will go well with all the owl stuff I bought today. I like owls.