OK, I just ordered one! They are too cute!
OK, I just ordered one! They are too cute!
I just checked it out. Do you only accept PayPal? I don't have a PayPal account anymore because my account has been compromised before. I'm very interested in purchasing one of your owl pot holders.
As long as the pay is decent and the job is stable (and provides amazing health insurance!!!), I would not mind.
Is your entire name Bond, James Bond? ;]
You make an excellent point!
Yeah, I'm not going to Google that.
These kids are too cute and talented!
YES! You beat me to it. I'm glad I'm not the only one :]
Texas isn't that bad. We have some pretty kickass cities/little awesome towns! Texas is changing little by little.
I'm not going to Google the porn industry. I do not want to see that!
Really? I did not know that. I learned something today!
Thanks for informing me :] I don't watch porn, so I wouldn't know. I just thought they were all based on original concepts. I know nothing of the porn industry.
Thank you for the information! I didn't know it was an actual movie. That's interesting. That doesn't sound like a name of a porn movie. It sounds more like a parody.
Me, too! I would Google it, but I've Googled too much today.
I hate myself a little bit for searching that! Yes, I always chose dare as a child.
I just did. That's effing disgusting! *shudder*
"Crack whore Confessions" and "Pay Tax." Those are some pretty creative searches.
So true!