
if it’s an existing condition, many insurance policies have a claws that prevents treatment.

It’s Famine from Good omens - forget crop failure, you can sell people canned air to eat and they’ll buy it because it’s low-cal.


Maybe it’s nice if it’s still warm afterwards?

Sexy is a feather, obscene is the whole chicken.

Well that gave me whatever the opposite of ASMR is.

5 and 3/4ths? He’d be a full 6 if you stopped biting chunks out the poor kid.

Being a particularly...morbid type of person, before I got to the guns part, I assumed they had a lot of people die with the do not disturb sign on their doors. My husband and I were discussing the other day how long it would take people to find our bodies if we died in the house. He thought two days, I thought much

For an administration that’s so concerned about “aliens” they are being SHOCKINGLY LAX.

Nope! Ritual suicide or gtfo.

This is the best apology so far, BY FAR...

ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn

We believe that there are instructive similarities and important distinctions between the formations of environmental injustice experienced by sexual minorities and by racial minorities in the US. Historical-geographical studies have revealed the contextual dynamics of oppression that have subjected racialized groups


My sister-in-law likes to remind everyone she’s a Harvard graduate, but I know why she wears sneakers with velcro.

I’ll participate in splits only when you show me a banana.

That depends, are you on mushrooms? If you are on mushrooms, I think it would be a fine way to spend an afternoon. Otherwise, naw.

You could actually see them turn into eight-year-old boys over the course of the segment. So good.