
I think more good could have been done with less jail time and vastly more community service (I felt this way with Martha Stewart’s sentencing too). Instead of having them sit in a cell for a few weeks twiddling their thumbs, take that $250,000 fine and turn it into Mr. Giannulli funding and teaching fashion and

OMG I’m losing it.  He looks just as cranky as his dad.

Making it heart shaped kicks up the costume jewelry factor for me by 100.  

Mostly me saying “if I get quarantined for two weeks with four kids I’m going to eat my own face off.” Oh and inappropriate memes about penises from Mom and my brother.

What in the 1986 shoulder pad hell is this?

I was scrolling fast and thought this was a really nice orthopedic dress shoe (my son has hemihyperplasia so i get adaptive clothing ads on my timeline from searching for footwear). It’s probably not the market they were going for but maybe it’ll end up being a nice option for someone who needs it?

LOL i was coming on here to say the same thing.

This is what I do with my two eldest - they’ve got some constipation/withholding issues (fairly common with autistic kids, so I’ve heard), so every night before bed they have to sit on the toilet for a few minutes.  My daughter is finally FINALLY going almost every evening.  My son still isn’t doing so hot and it

See this is what I was wondering.  I’d get my huge canning stock pot and put that fucker over my grill in my back yard.  yumyumyumyum lol.

Fuck all these ableist assholes, they can die in a fucking fire. When my Autistic 10 year follows his dream of creating a new and better operating system for PCs they can kiss his ass as well.

*jaw drops* You are.  So fucking right.

YES my kids have a handful of words they heard on Peppa first and they’ve stuck (like stabilizers for training wheels). My eldest daughter also went through a short phase greeting people in Chinese as well thanks to Ni Hao Kai Lan.

me too LOL.

1) I hope the school board gives her a raise. THAT is a superintendent who cares about her kids.

What... what kind of drugs cause THAT?

Yeah they’re cute but their CP is garbage...

....i zipped by this really fast and thought you wrote coitus interruptus.

#1 is almost verbatim what my brother has told me.

I have no doubt it’s the latter, though the former would be god damn  hilarious.

OMG I panicked at that headline.  My feet are so screwed up the only thing I can wear without pain are Crocs and $150+ running shoes... and the running shoes for only a short time.