I was surprised when he said Thunderbird for the C pillar because I immediately saw Eldorado too.
I was surprised when he said Thunderbird for the C pillar because I immediately saw Eldorado too.
Took the words out of my mouth. This is a drool-worthy car that will break necks wherever you go, and also probably is still a hoot to drive (until it breaks down).
NP regardless of if it is a wise financial move or not.
Looking at the garage (aircraft hanger?) and the other cars, I’m guessing they took care of the car. I’m giving it a NP
I’ve said it before and it bears repeating: buying a car is an emotional decision. Your brain is involved but only because that’s where all the serotonin-oozing neurons live.
Prices of Esprits are climbing, as is true with most poster cars from the late 80s/90s. This is a good mix of “well-taken care of” while also not being a show car or garage queen, so you won’t feel bad getting it dirty putting 300 miles on it in a weekend. NP, not much to lose here.
So $13,000 for a super early Boxster with 150,000 miles with a crap ton of work? I’ve got my own lift and I still think this is dumb.
Now an XJR - thats a car I will go broke for. I love a VandenPlas edition in the dark red... OMG tray Tables!
When new Evo magazine rated the S Type R as better than the E39 M5. NP all the way for this although given the choice I would have a similar era XJR.
Sure, why not! Not overpriced, Ford components underneath mean maintenance will be less often/costly, the interior looks like a nice place to use all that horsepower and mileage is reasonable for the age.
Thank you! I really didn’t expect to have to get this far down in the comments to finally find this sentiment being expressed. I don’t get why this is the first Ferrari we’re calling a “prettier Dodge Viper” based solely on it being a fast front-engined two seater given that this is just a reworked 812 (which is just…
Mission accomplished AC, I clicked half-expecting a v10 Ferrari. How is it any more Vipery than the standard long-nosed 812? It is prettier than an 812 though, it’s like Ferrari un-Mansory’d their own car.
I think a better title would be “The Grille Isn’t the Only Problem”
I saw the header image on twitter and was like “this is a torch post, look at that crazy truc...” and then recoiled in horror at the fact that it wasn’t really shopped much at all.
Everyone ripped on the e60 5 series when it came out, but it’s proven to be a trend setter and has oddly aged really well (I still prefer the e39 myself, but I really appreciate the e60). Especially on the interior. Minus the archaic iDrive unit, the cabin is pretty similar to what’s being done currently.
At $12k, I expected to see a Miata tucked into the trunk.
Since Top Gear has told me everyone should own an Alfa at some point in their life, this one seems like a good choice. It checks all the right boxes with 200HP, Recaro seats and sweet 90's ground effects. Yes, I realize it could turn into lawn art as soon as I get it home, if not before then, but it would look good…
Second those motions. I think the exterior would be a home run, but the vertical creases make the car look quite busy, as well as making it look shorter by breaking up the flow of horizontal lines. I’m otherwise a big fan of how bold they went with the design, and the design of the interior is luxury-grade (obviously,…
Hey guys,