Three picks later, including a pick-6, I'm guessing the Minny fans.
Three picks later, including a pick-6, I'm guessing the Minny fans.
"Why did we not trade for this man?" - Greg Schiano
A lot of players grow their hair longer to try and distinguish themselves from other players. For a long time, NFL players have said there's less opportunity for them to stand out in the same manner as a professional NBA player. As an example, in the NBA you recognize each player on the court and that translates to…
The 12th, 13th and 14th man.
Woo Hoo! look at that blubber fly!
Not to jump in on Burneko's expertise, here, but my friend made this for a party and my husband ate so much of it he embarrassed himself:
Lack of professional photography doesn't seem to put a damper on other forms of porn. At least not according to the informal poll I just conducted in my browser history.
theres the door
Artefacts is an accepted spelling for British English, and if this is available worldwide, that might explain it. But yes, UGC is pretty roundly awful.
As an Asian-American, I can only shake my head in disgust at this footage. Damn near outraged.
No, dipshit, looks like you're too stupid to realize what an Ad Hominem is.
If the other Jonathan Martin wants to avoid confusion, maybe he should stop standing in front of a Dolphins microphone, wearing that jersey, and looking just like him.
I’ve been reading all this stuff about the dolphins and it makes me sick. Anyone who wants to use that word is just plain WRONG. No excuses. No explanations. Anyone with a grade school education should know better. I don’t care if you think you can get away with using it or if the people around you give you a…
this is a thing that i would've never guessed was a thing people did. impressive thing, though.
I just did one of these but instead of those boxes I had to use my couch. And instead of exerting physical effort, I took a nap.
Sorry Mag, I went to an all boys school and this is exactly the kind of soul-crushing bullying which turned it into a cesspit. There's no reason anyone should feel compelled to accept this, and no positive growth or "toughening up" produced by it.
Brett Favre: [wakes up]
[Tracy Porter intercepts sigh]
Has anyone mentioned the fact that Incognito's best buddy on the team is an accused gun-runner and an associate of an alleged serial killer? All the internet tough guys that played ball back in the day probably didn't have to deal with THAT in the locker room. This is way off the charts for typical locker room…
Something like that. I just think he's in a bad spot that's not of his own making.