
“Miyamoto seems overjoyed.”

IE one of the expressed purposes of a gaming site.

Aspen Lake fool!

And I’m willing to bet that the girl that ended things awkwardly on the fourth date did so because you hadn’t even attempted to touch her. If you don’t tell them you are a virgin and THREE dates go by without any kind of physical interest it’ll come off as hella weird, dude.

I mean you guys are fuckin WHITE.

Naaaaah if it ain’t the original song I don’t even want to fuck with it.

A simple “right” would have sufficed.

Forgive me if this has already been discussed to death, but knowing Nintendo, not a buck above $300, right?

Fine, I’ll be that guy.

Can we talk about reserved seating? My favorite theater in the country, the Cinerama in Seattle, just started doing this. Why? What the fuck? Are movies football games now? Now it’s up to the quickest to book online? Gone are the days of booking your ticket in advance and then LINING UP for the best seats in the

Doesn’t Nintendo have proprietary battery life...uhhh...technology? I remember reading how that was something that they were really working toward making big advancements in. Maybe they’ve taken all they learned with the DS’s and the Wii U game pad and they’ve come up with something revolutionary. That would be a huge

It’s like that movie Rashomon, which I loved....wait, maybe I hated it. I don’t remember.

Don’t apologize. She’s the pits.

From my experience, short guys are usually the craziest motherfuckers.

Danny Trejo was a twelve-time welterweight boxing champion in SAN QUENTIN.

What is a “key to the city?” Is it a metaphor or an actual key?


This is all the more heartbreaking because, damn, look at his posts. He’s basically begging somebody, anybody, to come and stop him, tell him they love him, whatever. His heart clearly wasn’t into it. He just hit a wall. I know what that’s about.

And don’t forget nearly a direct copy of Zelda combat. BG&E is a phenomenal game. Thanks for reminding me of it.