The funny ones won't, at least.
The funny ones won't, at least.
Yes. That was my first thought when I read this article, when Barry incredulously asks WHY Seahawk fans could hate Bevell when we’ve been to two consecutive Super Bowls....and the reason is, we know him. We made two consecutive Super Bowls DESPITE him. I stand with Marshawn’s mom.
Yea totally, and I meant I hate them only because they always add another L to every goddamn season. They are most certainly NOT a hate-able team. And I’ll always love Jeff Fisher for his coin-toss troll job on Snyder.
“including an amusingly mustachioed Adam Scott”
Oh man, lemme tell you. Any Seahawks fan that had paid any attention the last couple of years went into week 1 nervous as hell. We’ve dropped our last two St. Louis road games (maybe three? I’m too lazy to look it up right now) and they’ve played us to the wire for the past like five years. Then they’ll shit the bed…
Who hasn’t?! It’s one of the most thrilling experiences in life. See you on Sunday. I'm not feeling great about it.
I swear to god you added that parenthesized bit afterwards. Or maybe I just didn’t notice. Sorry. Turns out people can be reactionary on the Internet.
“As a Packer fan, I have a lot of other reasons to hate the Seahawks”
“But you made consecutive Super Bowls! What is there to be mad about?”
He definitely did not come up with them himself.
If you need everyone on the Internet to love your movie, you probably shouldn't be making movies.
They know exactly who it was. But he has diplomatic immunity, so they're going to play dumb. Better to look incompetent than ineffectual, I guess?
Also, saying they have a racist “nickname” is being too easy. That denotes that they have a perfectly acceptable real name, but are stuck with a racist nickname. No, the REDSKINS is just flat-out the name of their business organization. It says so on their t-shirts and everything.
Her new husband and his STUPID successful carpet cleaning business. He calls it “The Cleanest Clean in Fort Lauderdale” but his average Yelp review is only four stars. God I hate Steve.
This is about a hundred times more intriguing than 95% of the upcoming games I've seen. Even if they don't stick the landing, bravo for trying something new.
Are you kidding me? He looks like the kind of guy I'd trust to run an entire pizza franchise.
You need a thicker skin than that if you want to make movies.
Nah, I think this guy is just angry about everything.
What the heck is a reform card? Also, fuck that kid.