
When you watch it with a group of friends, and they travel to Nice, France, and the text on the screen says, naturally, "Nice,' you will never not have a friend say "NIIIIIICE!" like a moron. Or maybe my friends are just morons. Anyway, great movie, RIP John Frankenheimer.

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I made my Twitter account in 2009 I think, and I didn't start really using it until late last year. There's definitely a learning curve to it. You have to customize it to fit YOUR sensibilities.

Their highlight music sounds like a Street Fighter loading screen.

Shit, I remember him stuffing Lynch a couple times in that last Thanksgiving game. He was a stout little bulldog. As a good player on an opposing team in my team's division, I'm glad he's doing what he believes is right and walking away from the game, forever.

Good stuff. I read the headline and was thinking, yea, sure, THIS guy knows depression, and it turned out, all the stuff you said was pretty much on point. Real depression is no joke. I hate motherfuckers that use that term all the time for the most trivial bullshit, only because they're in a bad mood and/or sad. Real

To me it reads like he already DID and he feels terrible about it.

They've gotten better. Five was great fun, as was six. I also love Kurosawa and Fellini and other "high art" filmmakers, the Fast and Furious series has embraced its inherent silliness and has just gotten better as they've gone on. You can enjoy all types of movies, you know.

Is that one of the pilots? On the stretcher? Checking his phone? That's gangster.

I don't think it's very responsible to recommend that anyone reading this article (or, more chillingly, who came across this article via Internet search) "take a good long look inside themselves."

In its prime it was the smartest show in television and one of the smartest shows ever made. Have you watched the good seasons? Or have you just picked it up within the last....ten? Fifteen years? Seasons 2 through 8. That's all you really need.

The"also cursed" reference doesn't really work here, yea? Homer didn't go to the Kwik-E-Mart for the Cursed Krusty Doll (and the Cursed Frogurt). It was the House of Evil (Your One Stop Evil Shop).

You're a real stick in the mud.

You can't talk about the Friday the 13th reboot without mentioning the best line of the movie, and one of the best lines in any movie ever, a line I'm still quoting today:

"Run! Their guns are defending themselves somehow!"

I've tried it too! The pitless deteriorated way quicker. It was guac, but it still held longer. Shit, maybe the pitless one wasn't wrapped as tightly or something, I don't know. It could all be bunk. But I swear it works.

How does this have 23 stars?

No no, it's definitely true. But yes, ALSO saran wrap. Obviously. But you have to keep that pit in there. Run an experiment. Put two halves in the fridge, in two separately saran-wrapped bowls. I bet you the half without the pit is gross in a day, and the other one is still delicious. I BETCHA.

Bhutan actually has a GNH, a Gross National Happiness, that measures, somehow, how happy its people are. Bhutan is awesome.

You can add onions to SO many dishes. Once I started fucking with onions, I never turned back. Mince em up and put some in plain ol' ground meat for burgers. It'll juice that meat up tootsweet. Onions and SHALLOTS actually, fuck onions. Shallots are where it's at. Shallots are the rich man's onions.