
Shit, I straight up will occasionally put a nice steak in my North Face breast pocket. If you're going to steal anything, steal good food.

Hey, and keep that fucking avocado pit. I'm surprised by how many people don't know this. Even if you mash the avocado up into guacamole, if you plan on putting it in the refrigerator for later, put the pit in with it (the half, the mashed-up guacamole, whatever). It'll rot into a black paste in ten minutes if you

Man is it great to live in a FORWARD state. Just today I went to the store down the street (one of like six that just opened in the last few months) and picked off a list of like a hundred different strains and waxes and edibles and that was my stop after the grocery store. It's amazing! AMAZING!

Nah, the stand out is "No Type." I know it's now been engrained in the popular consciousness and Pat Sajak rapped it and it's no longer and a cool new song but that shit still hits. The whole album? Not that great. It's GOOD. Just not great. It needed more ominous minimalism like No Type.

Man, we were doing that shit (and by "we" I definitely don't mean myself, just my generation) in the late nineties as a fashionable trend to wear around not actually snowboarding. I think DMX started it.

And by "forever" you mean something like ten years.

Also, and forgive me if this was brought up already, but rumor has it that George P. Cosmatos barely even directed Tombstone, that after a lot of bumfuckery and needlessly spent money Kurt Russell essentially took over as director and finished it himself.

Spike Lee's Mode

Norm Macdonald is my favorite Twitterer. He live updates almost every sporting event you could think of. Still sharp as a knife, too.

The Seahawks helmet is far too real. Shudder.

Oh hell no.

Pffff, John Lurie follows ME on Twitter.


Yes. This is why Russell Wilson is the best. He's already in the film room preparing for next year.

The one question I would have asked him was if it was true that Ennio Morricone was furious about him laying synth keys over Ennio's score for The Thing, or if it was a mutual decision that resulted in no bad blood. I've heard both stories.

No way it came from Altered Beast. Altered Beast came out in 1988, Marshawn Lynch was only two when it came out. The immensely popular Transformers: Beast Wars CG cartoon show ran from '96 to '99, when Marshawn would have been eleven or twelve. Target demographic. Perfect for a child. /Jack Nicholson

I always love it when a heated exchange on the Internet eventually cools into a really amicable discussion by the end, with well-wishes and everything. It's kinda beautiful.

If asked that question, yes. Deep down in the recesses of their inky black hearts, no.

Yes, that makes perfect sense. I think in your first (few) posts it came off like the entire IDEA was preposterous, as well as the execution. Or I should say, the execution was so poor, that it shouldn't have even been attempted, unless it adhered to your strict specifications. And those specifications, I don't

I dunno, I just watched Birdman, and Keaton's rage on the female Broadway critic had this fresh in my mind (it was also the climactic theme in Ratatouille). Even the worst piece of shit art is still miles above the critic deeming it so. This guy drew these characters and put them out on the Internet, THE most wretched