
Different is fine. Different is great. I once took a girl to an owl exhibit at the zoo. That was different. I dunno, I guess the sushi-making isn't overly cutesy....whatever. That's not too bad. But when it's a grand, involved, exorbitant affair....eh, that shit's a little weird. It seems like the guy is trying WAY

I thought you said you were going to stop talking to me? Get on that already.

The Jerk, Trading Places, Ghostbusters. Probably my top three. Haven't thought about it in a while. National Lampoon's Vacation is right up there, too.

Well, that's on Garrett. I get the allure of online multiplayer, I just am MORE allured by the single-player big-budget rollercoaster ride.

Uh...okay. Thanks? Life certainly would be a lot cushier if I considered Me, Myself and Irene to be a "classic" film, so I guess you've got me there. When the bar is so low that it's lying on the floor, people aren't generally dissatisfied.

"Many of the boys ended up crying over anger, impotence and nerve."

You can like whoever. I don't like them.

I dunno, that "special and unique" first date activity, to ME, can be borderline weirdo shit. Keep it casual, man. A bite to eat and a movie. Maybe a drink afterwards. You don't have to aggressively push an X-treme hangliding competition on some poor girl who doesn't even know who you are yet. Even cutesy stuff like

No, Scarface is a phenomenal movie. Forget about the legions of idiots who love the IDEA of the movie but totally missed the point. The film itself is incredible.

I liked the first Austin Powers (hell, I caught it recently, I still like it) but the second, third....basically anything other than the first one is not only not funny, but like, offensively not funny. They make me physically angry.

Hey, I still think they're hilarious! I'm not above them. I'm just saying, they are old as shit now.

And "asshat" though. What a stupid fucking insult. I'm insulted by how fucking corny that insult is. And if liking Airplane! and hating the Farrelly Brothers garbage movies makes someone an ASSHAT, then yea, I'm a big old hat made of asses. Or I wear an ass as a hat? Do you see how dumb that is?

Sheeeeit, my first foray into the art of prank calling were Jerky Boys cassette tapes..

Haha yep. I had several "comedy" mix CDs which were just those prank calls and lines from the Simpsons. Can you believe we had to carry around entire extra compact discs to listen to brief comedy skits throughout our days? This crazy blue marble.

I feel like that one friend who I don't talk to very often just excitedly told me about the Arnold Schwarzenegger prank calls on the internet. I just politely nod, yes, it is very funny!

"That someone can...misunderstand the appeal of something" is a far more puzzling statement than anything else here today.

Eeeesh. While I agree that the Farrelly's humor was perfectly situated for the mid/late 90s, as well as for my age when I saw them, I angrily DISAGREE that the Zucker-Abrahams-Zucker movies have decreased in hilarity in the least. Airplane! will ALWAYS be funny.

I love Stepbrothers. Mainly because it's an Adam McKay movie, not a Farrelly Brothers.

I love Thanksgiving food, and There's Something About Mary is shitty. Never saw Outside Providence.

"That people would prefer multiplayer—would in effect choose to trade racial slurs with distant fellow cave-dwellers over being in the driver's seat of an epic blockbuster action movie—is puzzling to me."