
If you didn't do anything then clearly I wasn't referring to you.

What the fuck is wrong with you people.

That's awesome.

To be fair, "If we gon' do it, we gon' get it erased from existence by immoral FSU administrators and Tallahassee police officers!" was a little overly wordy.

Not a 57". My mistake. Meant to type 47".

For a lot of people, yes. A lot of other people either don't even know what it means, or wouldn't be able to tell the difference if they did. They just know they want THAT.

I'll never forget when I bought my last TV, I was at a Walmart and they were having a sale on 720 plasmas, I was able to pick up a brand-new Samsung 57" 720 plasma for 400 bucks (this was four years ago).....and this girl and her boyfriend walked by the display area where the TVs were on sale, and the girl goes "Holy

The best part is when Joe Don Baker is getting chewed out by the Captain in the Captain's office, and the Captain goes "Now get the hell out of my office, Mitchell!!" and Mitchell goes "Okay." and walks out. One of the funniest things I've ever seen.

...the movie has fun with how bad the guy is at revenge.

"I think that's adorable."

I mean, it's FUN, and Idris Elba is always delightful, but the dialogue is genuinely ear-achingly awful, and it would be a compliment to call the characters two-dimensional. And like I said to someone else, Guillermo del Toro, for all his qualities as a filmmaker, has the most OBNOXIOUS sense of humor. The fuckin'

"How dare you take a picture of me dressed as an eight foot-tall samurai robot in a public setting! This is an incredible breach of privacy!"

I don't remember any marketing like that. I think I'd remember a Blue Chips-style CRANSTON/GODZILLA poster, because I would have already purchased it and framed it and placed it front and center in my living room.

Those collective audience moments, man. When you get lucky and get the right crowd for the right movie, and you get those instantaneous and reflexive eruptions of emotions....god damn I get CHILLS. The priciest and most high-tech home theater set-up cannot even begin to compare.

It was the rhythm of that scene that was so perfect. As I remember it, the bug monsters have the soldiers pinned down or something, and in the background, very slightly, you see the very tip of Godzilla's tail swirling in the smoke...the camera (ostensibly at ground level) focuses on the tip of his tail and brings it

BLEGH. I hate those fucking things. The "Honest Trailers." Yes, if you cleverly edit a movie you can make it look like a much dumber movie. And some of those are just simply 'reaction shots.' You kinda have to have those in movies. Steven Spielberg is the master of the reaction shot. And not to mention the douchey

It's a cold, cold world.

Hey, I WOULD say Pan's Labyrinth was Oscar caliber, and I was genuinely bummed when it didn't win the Best Foreign film that year. But I also think that is far and away his single best work. The Hellboys have their moments (which is so unfortunate, as the Hellboy comic is probably my favorite comic of all time) and

Jan Hooks was also one of those talents that did the side role so well that she was never given her own piece to STAR in. And not just on SNL, but hell, she could have anchored a feature-length film.

Don't forget Disney's 16-bit era run. Aladdin and Lion King were fantastic video games.